Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Osteoporosis Treatment and Prevention

Causes/risk factors:

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease in which the structure of bone tissue breaks down, leaving bones thin and brittle. As part of the natural lifecycle of bone, old bone tissue is continuously being absorbed and a new bone is formed until the age of thirty. Bone mass increases because new bone forms faster than old bone breaks down. After thirty, the rate of new bone formation gradually declines, leading to overall loss of bone mass.

What Causes Osteoporosis?

Aging is the major cause of osteoporosis; it is more common in women than in men because of the production of estrogen, a female sex hormone. This helps supply bones with calcium, a mineral that is essential for new bone formation. The danger is especially high in woman who experience early menopause.


Osteoporosis is most often diagnosed with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) which measures the mineral content of bone- an indicator of its density and strength. Women should start having routine bone density tests by age of sixty or earlier if they have family history of osteoporosis.


I use a secret family recipe- extract calcium from oyster shell powder and pearl powder to form pearl calcium, a concentrated all natural calcium dietary supplement, which can increase new bone cells to form much faster than people who do not take pearl calcium. Because pearl calcium is all natural and 100 percent dissolvable, the body will absorb and digest much faster.

During many years of practice I often heard patients tell me that they take calcium for many years but they have not noticed any difference, but once they take pearl calcium only several months they can feel calcium work in their body. For example: the patients will feel their knees stronger than before, hair loss is decreased, nails grow faster and stronger, and the quality of sleep is increased. That is the reason why 95 percent of my pearl calcium consumer become a regular customer.


• Exercise play an important role of new bone mass forming. Walking, cycling, dancing, and swimming are heavily encouraged. I recommend doing these activities at least three to four times per week.

• Eating a balanced diet with pearl calcium can provide daily vitamins and calcium need for body. Good sources of calcium from food are low-fat milk or yogurt, tofu, leafy green vegetables, sardines and salmon with bones, and cereals.

• If you have frequent muscle cramps, cut back on caffeine and alcohol use. Proven techniques to control emotional stress are meditation, yoga, and tai chi.

Dr. David Peng
9968 Bellaire Blvd, Suite 210 B,
Houston, TX 77036

David Peng - EzineArticles Expert Author

Monday, April 21, 2008

Does Chocolate Cause Osteoporosis?

When I saw the headlines, "Chocolate Causes Osteoporosis" I knew I was in trouble. As expected I came into the office to tons of emails from chocolate lovers everywhere who wanted to know if their love affair with their creamy sweetie was at an end. It especially hit home when my own mother told me that she was giving up her occasional chocolate square because she read the news that her bones were damned if she didn't cease consuming chocolate entirely.

So what is the deal?

In a recent study, scientists evaluated the food diaries of over one thousand senior women (ages 70-85). After evaluating the records and comparing a number of variables to bone density it was discovered that women who ate chocolate one time or more daily had weaker bones than those who ate it less than once a week. In fact the group who ate chocolate daily had bone densities that were 3.1% lower than their counterparts who ate chocolate less than once per week.

Thus the headlines... Chocolate Causes Osteoporosis.

So does chocolate cause osteoporosis? Not likely. This study is considered preliminary research because it does not show cause and effect. Although the statistics show a correlation between chocolate and bone loss, there are just too many other factors (perhaps thousands) that can account for the findings that chocolate eaters have lower bone density. For instance, is it possible that people who eat chocolate daily take less care of themselves compared to people who eat it once a week? In my book, daily chocolate consumption suggests either a lack of health knowledge or a disregard for health and fitness. Is it then feasible that the group who eats chocolate daily also eats other acidic foods, sugary foods, drinks more sodas, exercises less, etc?

Of Course! This study falls into a class of research called observational or epidemiological research which is considered the weakest form of study. This type of research commonly acts as the launching board for more expensive and involved double blind research. In the case of chocolate, I doubt we will see this type of research completed.

Is it possible that these findings are accurate? Is it possible that there is some compound in chocolate that causes bone loss? As a scientist, I must concede the possibility, however, it is highly unlikely! Should we eat chocolate daily? Of course not, at least not in quantity, but should my dear mother, who eats well, takes her supplements, goes to her daily "Guts and Butts" exercise class avoid her chocolate square once or twice a week...No! She is 72 years old and deserves to enjoy her chocolate square and it is unfortunate that many people will likely fall prey to this ploy to sell newspapers.

Dr. Ray Hinish received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and has been studying natural approaches to health for over a decade. He has achieved certifications in nutrition and is currently certified as a personal trainer. He authored the eBook, Strong Bones Forever, which is a guide to curing osteoporosis using only natural means. He currently practices at Your Prescription for Health in Owings Mills, Maryland.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Osteoporosis - Natural Prevention and Treatment

Osteoporosis is the loss of bony tissue resulting in deformed and brittle bones. In osteoporosis the bones literally waste away as their mineral density is gradually lost, making them increasingly weak and fragile. This is a common cause of fractures in the elderly. Thinning of the bones leads to increased risk of fractures, particularly of the lumbar vertebrae, wrist, hip, shoulder and the femur, or thigh bone. It is possible to prevent and to treat osteoporosis. However, you must take action.

It is estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 12 men over the age of 50 worldwide have osteoporosis. To appreciate who is at risk of developing osteoporosis, consider the following factors that are associated with the disease.

  • Older age
  • Caucasian or Asian race
  • Low levels of estrogen (for women)
  • Low levels of testosterone (for men)
  • Early menopause - before 45 years (either natural or surgical)
  • In young women, later menstruation and menstruation that has stopped for more than six months
  • Family history of hip replacements
  • Low body weight and thin to small build
  • A loss of height or stooped posture
  • Unexplained back pain
  • Lack of exercise now or as a child
  • Disabilities
  • Long-term bed rest
  • Excessive exercise
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Previous bone fracture
  • Long term medication, including:

o corticosteroids

o heparin

o thyroxin

o antacids

o antibiotics and antifungals

o aspirin

o cholesterol lowering drugs

o ulcer medications

  • High alcohol intake
  • Diet that is low in calcium, zinc, vitamin D and magnesium
  • High caffeine intake
  • Eating disorders
  • Chronic diseases of the kidney, lung, stomach and intestines, particularly malabsorption related conditions such as celiac disease.

What can you do to help prevent or treat osteoporosis?

  • An increased intake of magnesium, calcium and zinc may help prevent the worst effects of osteoporosis. These can be taken as a part of a good vitamin and mineral supplement as well as increasing the intake of foods that are high in these minerals. In particular it is important to have sufficient zinc.
  • Vitamin D is essential because it helps the body absorb calcium. You may have a vitamin D deficiency, perhaps because of inadequate exposure to sunlight, and this should be rectified by allowing 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight onto arms, legs or back daily, although the exact exposure requirements do vary depending on geographic latitude, darkness of skin and even air quality. You should take care never to burn. Do not take too much vitamin D. Taking high doses of vitamin D (10,000 to 50,000 IUs daily) may be harmful and a dose of 400 IUs per day is adequate for housebound elderly people.
  • Vitamin K is just as important as vitamin D for the absorption calcium. Many supplements designed to help treat osteoporosis fail to include vitamin K while others include an inappropriate form or simply provide too little or an improperly balanced amount, having regard for the total effect of the supplement.
  • Foods containing boron, which reduces the body's excretion of calcium and magnesium, and increases the production of estrogen, should be eaten. These foods include pears, prunes, raisins and apples.
  • Take plenty of antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A (as beta carotene). The antioxidants will help to slow degeneration. Vitamin C is also important for the absorption of minerals such as zinc.
  • Take essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 oils to slow down the loss of calcium in the urine.
  • Eat a diet that is low in or has eliminated dairy products and has reduced amounts of meat (once or twice per week for animal protein). Animal protein increase the rate at which calcium is withdrawn from the bones.
  • You need to cleanse your body of toxic material so that everything, including your bones and joints are able to work effectively.
  • Get as much weight bearing exercise as you can. Placing demands on the bones by using the muscles that are attached to them will encourage the body to build bone than to loose it.
  • Doing all the above is important. Equally important is not doing things that will undermine your positive efforts. So it is important to avoid salt, sugar and refined carbohydrates, coffee and alcohol.
  • Of course, if you smoke you are destroying your health in many ways. It is essential that you stop smoking. Join a quit smoking program such as and gain support and assistance to quit for good.
  • If you have caffeine, alcohol, antacids, drugs, sugar, or refined food it won't matter how good the rest of the diet is. When the body's pH balance becomes acidic, calcium is pulled from the bones to buffer this acidic state, thereby weakening the bones. A study at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine at La Jolla reports that as little as two drinks of alcohol in a day could cut the benefits of calcium in one's diet.
  • This brings us to the fact that you need to eat plenty of calcium rich food such as collard and turnip greens, dried figs, spinach, kale and broccoli. You will note that dairy products and animal proteins are not a part of this list. Indeed eating large amounts of dairy and other animal proteins can undermine all your other efforts and can increase the loss of calcium from your bones - but how this occurs is another story.

If you have osteoporosis or are at risk of developing osteoporosis there are many things that you can do to reverse the bone loss trend - but you need to take action. The longer you delay in making positive changes the harder it will be to improve your health later.

Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential vitamin and mineral supplement and many other methods, including herbal remedies.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Osteoporosis - Causes and Risk Factors

By Dr Jenny Tylee Platinum Quality Author

Osteoporosis is the loss of bony tissue resulting in deformed and brittle bones. In osteoporosis the bones literally waste away as their mineral density is gradually lost, making them increasingly weak and fragile. This is a common cause of fractures in the elderly. Thinning of the bones leads to increased risk of fractures, particularly of the lumbar vertebrae, wrist, hip, shoulder and the femur, or thigh bone. It is possible to prevent and to treat osteoporosis.

However, you must take action. It is complete folly to depend on a wonder drug from orthodoxy. No magic medical cures exist and most medical management of this disease is very poor indeed, resulting in untold suffering and misery. In simple terms it is vital to avoid the causative factors in diet and lifestyle, ensure proper and balanced nutrients in your diet and obtain appropriate exercise.

It is estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 12 men over the age of 50 worldwide have osteoporosis. To appreciate the broad risk profile of developing this disease consider the following factors that are associated with osteoporosis.

  • Older age
  • Caucasian or Asian race
  • Low levels of estrogen (for women)
  • Low levels of testosterone (for men)
  • Early menopause - before 45 years (either natural or surgical)
  • In young women, later menstruation and menstruation that has stopped for more than six months
  • Family history of hip replacements
  • Low body weight and thin to small build
  • A loss of height or stooped posture
  • Unexplained back pain
  • Lack of exercise now or as a child
  • Disabilities
  • Long-term bed rest
  • Excessive exercise
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Previous bone fracture
  • Long term medication, including: corticosteroids heparin thyroxin antacids antibiotics and antifungals aspirin cholesterol lowering drugs ulcer medications
  • High alcohol intake
  • Diet that is low in calcium, zinc, vitamin D and magnesium
  • High caffeine intake
  • Eating disorders
  • Chronic diseases of the kidney, lung, stomach and intestines, particularly malabsorption related conditions such as celiac disease.
As you can see from the list above there are many factors that can increase the risk, or likelihood, of developing this wasting disease. It can be as simple as consuming regular cola drinks. As reported in The Health Gazette, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that women who drink four or more cola beverages per week have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Consumption of carbonated soft drinks rose by 300 per cent in the US alone between 1960 and 1990 and cola drinks Coca-Cola and Pepsi remain two of the biggest-selling soft drink brands in the world. If you drink fizzy cola drinks and also consume coffee then right now is the time to improve your diet and lifestyle. The Health Gazette asked: What are you doing about osteoporosis? In that article we said: In the US, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, around 55 per cent of over 50s are at risk. That means around 44 million people. Of those, 10 million individuals are estimated to have the disease already and a further 34 million are estimated to have low bone mass. The peak time for building bone density in girls is between ages 12 to 19 years. Studies have reported that as high as 90% of girls in this age group do not even consume enough calcium. Sadly, this means a massive amount of suffering and disability will be with us for a very long time to come.

One myth that circulates is that osteoporosis is a disease of old women. In fact this disease affects men and women and although the disease tends to first cause signs and symptoms in later life, it does actually begin many years earlier. Perhaps you could evaluate your own situation with the following.

The one-minute risk test (adapted from the Osteoporosis Foundation)

Take the following test to gauge if you might have osteoporosis. If you answer yes to any of the following questions then you need to have the condition of your bones assessed.

  • Have either of your parents broken a hip after a minor bump or fall?
  • Have you broken a bone after a minor bump or fall?
  • Have you taken cortisone tablets (cortisone, prednisone etc) for more than three months?
  • Have you lost more than 3 cm (just over an inch) in height?
  • Do you regularly drink alcohol?
  • Do you smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day?
  • Do you frequently suffer from diarrhea (caused by problems such as celiac disease or Crohn's disease)?
For women:
  • Did you undergo menopause before 45?
  • Have your periods stopped for 12 months or more (other than because of pregnancy)?
For men:
  • Have you ever suffered from: Impotence or lack of libido, or other symptom related to testosterone levels?
If you have assessed yourself as being at risk of having osteoporosis then apart from having the condition of your bones assessed you need to take action before it is too late. It is vital to avoid the causative factors in diet and lifestyle. Ensure that you take proper, balanced osteoporosis vitamin and mineral supplements (from and that you obtain appropriate exercise. If you smoke you need to stop. If you smoke then can assist you as you quit. You need to cleanse your body of toxic material so that everything, including your bones and joints are able to work effectively.

Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential, non contaminated essential vitamin and mineral supplements and many other methods, including herbal remedies. She also owns Healthy Living blog.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Osteoporosis - Calcium and Protein-Rich Dairy Problem

By Dr Jenny Tylee

Osteoporosis is the loss of bony tissue resulting in deformed and brittle bones. In osteoporosis the bones literally waste away as their mineral density is gradually lost, making them increasingly weak and fragile. This is a common cause of fractures in the elderly. Thinning of the bones leads to increased risk of fractures, particularly of the lumbar vertebrae, wrist, hip, shoulder and the femur, or thigh bone. It is possible to prevent and to treat osteoporosis. However, you must take action. It is complete folly to depend on a wonder drug from orthodoxy. No magic medical cures exist and most medical management of this disease is very poor indeed, resulting in untold suffering and misery. In simple terms it is vital to avoid the causative factors in diet and lifestyle, ensure proper and balanced nutrients in your diet and obtain appropriate exercise.

One of the common mistakes made, when taking action against osteoporosis, is to increase the calcium by eating more dairy products. This is somewhat controversial however, there is increasing evidence that the removal of dairy products from the diet is important for maintaining health - including the health of your bones. Many people have been lead to believe that dairy products are our only reliable source of calcium. It is true that calcium in our bloodstream is essential for our health and it plays a critical role in blood clotting, muscle contraction, heartbeat maintenance and proper nerve function. About 99 percent of calcium (roughly three pounds) is stored in our bones and teeth, which rely upon the mineral for their strength. When needed, calcium is released from our bones into the blood.

Calcium is calcium, however, whether it's from broccoli or cottage cheese. "There's no best source of calcium," explains Robert Heaney, a professor with the Osteoporosis Research Center at Creighton University School of Medicine. "The sheer quantity of calcium in dairy products certainly makes them attractive sources, but they have no monopoly on calcium. There's no reason in the world why you couldn't get an adequate intake from a vegetable source." I agree with Dr Heaney that dairy is not essential but we would go further. Dairy has other adverse effects, some of which make it a very poor source of food for humans.

There is no clear evidence that high calcium intakes alone - even the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of 800 mgs - can ensure bone health. Indeed throughout the world the people who consume the most calcium actually have the poorest bone health and the idea that dosing yourself with calcium will automatically keep your bones in good shape is just plain wrong.

The nations with the greatest calcium intake (because of high dairy consumption) have the highest rates of osteoporosis and hip fracture and there are relatively few fractures among populations where calcium levels (and dairy consumption) are not so high. Healthy bones require more than simply ingesting copious amounts of calcium-rich foods. Certainly, calcium intake is important, particularly during childhood, early adulthood and up to the age of 30 - 35 when our bones achieve their peak mass and stop growing. But retaining the calcium we've stored in our bones appears to be even more vital. This is particularly the case in our late 40s or so, when our bones begin to break down faster than they can be rebuilt. Indeed, research indicates that preventing calcium loss is actually three to four times more important in determining calcium balance (that is, whether we gain, maintain or lose calcium from our bones) than is calcium intake. And one of the greatest instigators of calcium loss is a high-protein diet. Pediatrician Charles Attwood, MD, suggests that "milk, with its excessive protein, may be part of the calcium problem instead of a solution." Protein, and especially protein from animal sources, makes our blood acidic, a condition the body attempts to remedy by drawing calcium, an alkaline mineral, from the bones. Eventually, this calcium is lost, flushed from the body in the urine.

Researchers who reviewed 16 studies examining the protein-calcium relationship found that when protein intake is above 75 grams per day, more calcium is lost in the urine than is retained in the body. Researchers speculate that this level of protein intake alone could account for the bone loss commonly seen in postmenopausal women!

The question of how much calcium is needed by the body remains - especially since the RDA for calcium is established higher than it otherwise would be in order to compensate for calcium losses due to high consumptions of protein. People worldwide develop and maintain strong bones on levels of calcium considerably below the 800 mg RDA. The World Health Organization recommends 400 - 500 mgs daily. However, because vegetarians generally have lower protein intakes and absorb and retain calcium better, they may have lower calcium needs.

For most people, the RDA can quite easily be fulfilled by eating a varied diet with at least several servings of calcium-rich (non-dairy) foods each day. Children, teens and young women should be especially careful to include these foods since their calcium needs are relatively high compared to others. Some people may choose to take bone protecting supplements as added insurance. Of course one advantage of meeting calcium needs with plant foods is that many are also excellent sources of antioxidants, fiber, folic acid, complex carbohydrates, iron and other important vitamins and minerals you won't find in milk products.

Although osteoporosis is both preventable and treatable a simple increase in calcium in the form of dairy products is not the answer. The consumption of calcium rich dairy products is a part of the problem and not a part of the cure.

Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential, non contaminated vitamin and mineral supplements (from and many other methods, including herbal remedies. She also owns Healthy Living blog.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Ten Things You Should Know To Avoid Osteoporosis

By Ivan Hince

Osteoporosis is a crippling disease, which will make your bones brittle, causing fractures to occur. Each year thousands of people all over the world are likely to suffer this painful disease. It is estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 12 men over the age of 50 worldwide have osteoporosis. It is responsible for millions of fractures annually, mostly involving the lumbar vertebrae, hip, and wrist.

As you see from the figures that women are likely to get Osteoporosis than men, which is due the hormone change after menopause.

Who’s at risk, and what to avoid.

There are many things you should avoid, and there are many things you can do to avoid problems yourself.

1. Stop Smoking. This goes for many complaints, and it has been proved to be one of the factors that can bring on Osteoporosis.
2. Top up your daily intake of Calcium, which will help in the maintenance of healthy teeth and bones.
3. Avoid to many fizzy drinks. Replace them with Calcium based drinks. (Milk etc)
4. Avoid too much alcohol.
5. Avoid over exercising. (Lifting over heavy weights.) One fact I have learnt is that Marathon runners tend to suffer in later years.
6. Avoid being to thin. Try to maintain some body fat, as skinny people do tend to suffer more.
7. Do some form of light exercise each day.
8. Make sure you have a daily intake of Vitamin D.
9. Control your diet. Make sure you get your daily intake of fresh fruit, and vegetables.
10. Always consult your Doctor should you think you have a problem, as I’m sure there are a lot of cases that never get mentioned, or get the help that there is to be had.


I should say at this point that Osteoporosis is not a killer, although it can be very painful for anyone that suffers. Having this disease can slow the bodies defense system down with pain, and that is when other complications set in. Things like Deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism are common, hence if you have a fracture of the hip you usually are operated on quickly.

There are no known cures although the Medical profession can help in many ways, and that is why I always recommend that you consult your Doctor.

Please note that I am not a Doctor, but I do have an interest in Alternative Medicine. To read more on Alternative Medicine please go to the following website.

Ten Things You Should Know To Avoid Osteoporosis

By Ivan Hince

Osteoporosis is a crippling disease, which will make your bones brittle, causing fractures to occur. Each year thousands of people all over the world are likely to suffer this painful disease. It is estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 12 men over the age of 50 worldwide have osteoporosis. It is responsible for millions of fractures annually, mostly involving the lumbar vertebrae, hip, and wrist.

As you see from the figures that women are likely to get Osteoporosis than men, which is due the hormone change after menopause.

Who’s at risk, and what to avoid.

There are many things you should avoid, and there are many things you can do to avoid problems yourself.

1. Stop Smoking. This goes for many complaints, and it has been proved to be one of the factors that can bring on Osteoporosis.
2. Top up your daily intake of Calcium, which will help in the maintenance of healthy teeth and bones.
3. Avoid to many fizzy drinks. Replace them with Calcium based drinks. (Milk etc)
4. Avoid too much alcohol.
5. Avoid over exercising. (Lifting over heavy weights.) One fact I have learnt is that Marathon runners tend to suffer in later years.
6. Avoid being to thin. Try to maintain some body fat, as skinny people do tend to suffer more.
7. Do some form of light exercise each day.
8. Make sure you have a daily intake of Vitamin D.
9. Control your diet. Make sure you get your daily intake of fresh fruit, and vegetables.
10. Always consult your Doctor should you think you have a problem, as I’m sure there are a lot of cases that never get mentioned, or get the help that there is to be had.


I should say at this point that Osteoporosis is not a killer, although it can be very painful for anyone that suffers. Having this disease can slow the bodies defense system down with pain, and that is when other complications set in. Things like Deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism are common, hence if you have a fracture of the hip you usually are operated on quickly.

There are no known cures although the Medical profession can help in many ways, and that is why I always recommend that you consult your Doctor.

Please note that I am not a Doctor, but I do have an interest in Alternative Medicine. To read more on Alternative Medicine please go to the following website.